
Life United Insights Technology
Transforming & Empowering Youths


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Life United Insight Technology to Empower Youths (LuiTech) Profile

Life United Insight Technology to Empower Youths (LuiTech) Profile
Introduction and Background
Life United Insight Technology to Empower Youths is non-profit organization founded with a common a community-based goal of enhancing organization and by empowering community through socio-economic development diversified programs. LuiTechEY is therefore formed by a group of individuals that are passionate to see development in both rural and urban areas where communities exist. LuiTechEY is committed to foster a peaceful and conducive environment for the communities of South Sudan local authorities and hence we will facilitate co-operations between our government, development partners to create avenues of sustainable community empowerment with a development for sustained livelihood and support the local population through lobbying, monitoring, networking and providing social needs of the community.
Mission Statement

LuiTech is established to promote sustainable and equitable economic growth and socio- economic development through efficient, productive systems, deeper co-operation and integration, good governance, and durable peace and security in the country.

"An enabling environment for the realization, respect, and protection of fundamental human rights among youth and develop their leadership qualities to make them active contributor within the society
The goal of LuiTechEY is to contribute in improving the living standard of the vulnerable communities of South Sudanese through community mobilization, capacity building, advocacy & strengthening of institutions at the grass root level.

A sustainable strategy is devised to achieve the maximum, a need based and right-based approach initiated ascertains the problem with fully community involvement and mobilizing all indigenous and local resources. The program goal is to materialize with a from Members' donor agencies, Philanthropists.
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Life United Insight Technology to Empower Youths (LuiTech) Profile

Thematic Programme / Areas of Focus
  • Health
  • WASH
  • Youth Empowerment
  • Education
  • Community Physical Infrastructures
  • Emergency Response and Preparedness
  • Women Empowerment
  • Free Legal Aid and Education
  • Democracy
Overall Objective
The Overall development objective of Life united insight technology to empower youths (LuiTechEY) is enhanced ability in the target communities to tackle their own environmental problems for sustainable community development.
Our Specific Objectives Includes:
1. To educate the deprived and under privilege common folk about the basic human rights and find basis to incorporate their efforts and mobilization to achieve maximum output.
2. Promote Gender equality.
3. Humanitarian assistance in natural and manmade disaster.
4. To devise and organize for women youth and children particularly to their rights to acquire educations and improve their health and earnings.
5. To increase the education of the target community for the betterment of their own Subsistence.
6. To establish working 'relations amongst provincial government, bar councils and like-minded non-government organizations.
7. Improve health conditions by providing basic health and hygiene education and services to the communities residing in neglected areas
What Life United Insight Technology to empower Youths(LuiTechEY) Does?

Influenced by the new development paradigm, which puts people before things, Life Insight Technology to empower Youths (LuiTechEY) follows a participatory approach in every
Sphere of its work. The traditional knowledge of the rural poor is valued and respected, and there is confidence that rural people are Capable of self-reliant organization. On a practical level, the
Fundamental thrust f this approach is decentralization and empowerment

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Life United Insight Technology to Empower Youths (LuiTech) Profile
For a community to be able to work for its own development and reduce its dependency there is
A need for full involvement at all stages of the development cycle. The participation of a
Communities in identification, planning, management, implementation and evaluation of projects
Is a key factor in Life United Insight Technology to Empower Youths (LuiTechEY) work.
Internally a participatory approach is adopted in managing the affairs of Life United Insight Technology to Empower Youths (LuiTechEY)
Externally, LuiTechEY role as a "change agent" helps to develop community management structures
That is capable of managing their own development. This increases the ability of the community to demand accountability in all their affairs, from leaders and officials. It reinforces the community's belief in the value of their own development choices and efforts. These community management structures are not parallel structures, but are built upon traditional institutions,
Promoting equitable representation and participation
Human resource development is an essential part of our development work. This means ensuring
That the community 1S trained and skilled, as well as organized, to maximize the potential of the
Community to take hold of its own development.
LuiTechEY strongly believes in maximizing its impact by transferring field experiences into Knowledge to influence the development policies and practices of NGOs, donors and government Agencies. This is important for working towards the long-term goal of
Eradicating poverty.
During the process of social mobilization, LuiTechEY adopted a participatory, self-help, self- sustainable approach through community involvement and formation of volunteer groups in remote rural areas of South Sudan.
Sustainable rural development is a dynamic process posing various needs at different phases of time. These can be dealt with continuous interventions based on designed frameworks that incorporate the requirements projected by the communities and with the help of the communities by strategizing for public-private partnership.

Scope of work
LuiTechEY will have strong linkages with major NGOs and funding agencies working in South Sudan. It will undertake initiatives in most affected areas of South Sudan with collaboration with local CBOs and activists. LuiTechEY will enjoy a rich experience of working in the diverse socio cultural environment of South Sudan and an extensive networking with the District & Provincial Governments, civil society institutions, media and political parties.
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Life United Insight Technology to Empower Youths (LuiTech) Profile

Organizational Values
  • Honesty
  • Respect for individual
  • Integrity
  • Participation in communal activities
  • Transparency in all transactions
  • Accountability to all the actions/deed.
  • Creativity
  • Cost efficiency performed by an individual
  • Gender sensitivity

Values guiding our work
  • TRUE: Ensuring transparency at
  • PROFICIENCY: Providing creative expertise and strong commitment
  • SOLIDARITY: Within our NGO and with the people we aim to be support
  • JUSTICE: Within our NGO as well as in society
  • INTEGRITY: to act according to the values we wish to promote 
  • FLEXIBILITY: showing our willingness to change and learn
Guiding Principles:
Life Insight Technology to Empower Youths (LuiTechEY) follows the below mentioned guiding principles in implementation of its projects;
  • Use of indigenous knowledge
  • Making efforts to achieve highest quality standards
  • Promoting a culture of innovation and creativity
  • Meeting deadlines
  • Enhancing networking and coordination
  • Facing challenges

Professional Strength
  • Highly qualified, experienced and devoted professionals and board members and staff;
  • Adaptability to cope up and meet the requirements of diverse socio-cultural environment of South Sudanese;
  • Overwhelming support of local people.
  •  Acceptance as a representative of common people of the area.
  • Extensive network to undertake initiatives at grassroots.
  • Availability of state-of-the-art modern equipment and tools;
  • Strong partnerships for undertaking innovative initiatives;

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Life United Insight Technology to Empower Youths (LuiTech) Profile
Life United Insight Technology to Empower Youths (LuiTech) targeted Donors/Partners
  • UN-FAO
  • SPO- Strengthening Participatory Organization
  • UN-Habitat
  • Directorate Ministry of Human Rights
  • Government of South Sudan (Education, Health, Youth Affairs)
  • Provincial and National Disaster Management Authorities
  • South Sudan Red Crescent Society.

South Sudan NGO Forum
Community/Social mobilization:
Life United Insight Technology to Empower Youths (LuiTechEY) will implement its projects as a first step undertakes community mobilization so that to raise awareness in community on health and hygiene, importance of education in modern day affairs, gender related issues, socio- economic development and environmental protection. For this purpose, (LuiTechEY) management will holds meetings with the community members, conducts training/capacity building sessions and launched campaigns.
Life United Insight Technology to Empower Youths (LuiTechEY)advocated is achieving better results in the field of social/rural/community development, LuiTechEY also believe in advocacy and therefore, the management has always strongly advocated for the issues related to LuiTechEY. For achieving this objective, LuiTechEY through its strong advocacy has approached the line departments of Government of South Sudan, NGOs, CBOs, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), members of the community, notables and LuiTechEY has always promoted the right based approach and supported the dialogue as an important tool for achieving the above-mentioned objectives
Service delivery:
Life United Insight Technology to Empower Youths (LuiTechEY) is staunch believer in a very strong and efficient service delivery in the fields of health, education and environment. For this purpose, LuiTechEY management has always delivered services in the communities in a transparent

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Life United Insight Technology to Empower Youths (LuiTech) Profile.
Manner taking care of quantity and quality. It is only because of this very reason that the LuiTechEY interventions have always helped in meeting the community needs and achieving the desired objectives.
Net Working:
Life United Insight Technology to Empower Youths (LuiTechEY) will always promote the networking with other NGOs, CBOs, CSOs, media groups and concerned stakeholders for achieving the goal of sustainable development. Networking with other organizations has always proved very productive by playing as medium between the service providers and those at the receiving end. Networking provides opportunity for looking at the issues from different angles i.e. from local, national and finally at regional level. At every level the perspective of issue changes, which then helps in comprehending the issue.
Target groups
Life United Insight Technology to Empower Youths (LuiTechEY) works mainly for the poorest of the poor in the rural areas of the state. Its target groups include the men, women and children in the rural communities of the province who are still living in miserable conditions and deprived of basic necessities of life. Besides, LuiTechEY also focuses upon the urban populace living in slums and other such area. For achieving its goal and objective, LuiTechEY target groups also include health workers, paramedics and other staff related to health issues, teachers, students, environmentalists and stakeholders in the field of health, education and environment.
Reproductive Health and HIV Prevention

  • This thematic area entails following important features for development:
  • Establishment of community health centers at remote areas where people don't have access to the health facilities.
  • Develop awareness campaigns for HIV prevention, reproductive health; life skills based education and sexual rights.
  • Develop immunization programs for venereal diseases and epidemics.
  • Organizing events for public health along with government.

Child Protection
  • Under this theme LuiTechEY focuses on holistic development of children its protection and rights, following interventions are planned over the time:
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Life United Insight Technology to Empower Youths (LuiTech) Profile
  • Child rights education and protection awareness at different levels and different stakeholders.
  • Development of safe learning places for children at schools, hospitals, and community centers.
  • Children confidence building programs, walks, sessions, campaigns, and trainings.
  • Development of children groups and developing leadership skills in them.

Women Empowerment
Women Empowerment aims at promotion women to take lead role in democratic norms and culture in the operational area. Two types of activities are undertaken in this theme: one aim at building capacities of women and communities and their groups to engage effectively with government and other stakeholders for getting their constitutional and legal social, economic and political rights, the other aims at working directly with state institutions for creating an environment that can guarantee the rights of women citizens. It also focuses on enhancing women income generation skills through capacity building and micro credit. Under this program following sub activities are also conducted:
  • Formation of local women groups and their capacity building.

Community Based Infrastructure

Under Community Based Infrastructure development, a wide variety of construction and rehabilitation of rural infrastructure schemes through community participation.
Will be implemented as underground village drainage schemes, community latrines, watercourse lining, tube wells, and brick pavement in villages
Free Legal Aid and Education
Life United Insight Technology to Empower Youths (LuiTech) is to provide free legal aid and victims’ education through its established firm of senior lawyers to vulnerable and marginalized of society particularly to women and children
To Contribute to reducing mortality and through the timely delivery/sustaining of WASH services to targeted populations in Mundri Counties (Mundri West, East and Mvolo) as well as Juba and South Sudan as whole.
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  • To provide timely, equitable access to safe and sufficient water to vulnerable and affected populations.
  • To increase knowledge of appropriate hygiene practices among vulnerable and affected populations to prevent and mitigate WASH-related diseases.
  • To enable vulnerable and affected populations to practice safe, sanitary and hygienic living through secure. dignified and gender appropriate sanitation services
  • Mundri East, South Sudan